Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To My Husband

 To my husband,
                                  you may not even read this but writing this makes me feel good.
You have always been there for me, whether I was happy, miserable, or ill.

You have been my source of inspiration and the reason I wanted to be a better wife.  And to pursue all my passions and hobbies in my life.

Sometimes we can be completely different in our way of thinking but,  most times we are on the same page.

You have taught me so much and opened many windows of interest.
Twenty Five years later I still get butterflies in my stomach when you kiss me or simply hold my hand.

So if it's OK with you,  I would still like to grow old with you and hold your hand till the day I die ~~ 

I love you,  Lori


Who doesn't like bread?  let alone warm from the oven!  Baking breads is one of my favorite things to do.  Some people think it's so much work but, I find it relaxing and rewarding.  So many friends ask me why I don't use a bread machine but, I love the feel of the dough in my hands.

One of my husbands and family favorite bread is Panettone!!  The real Panettone with the sweet dried fruit and buttery flavor.  Panetone is a very expensive bread to purchase,  especially if your buying the kind made with all the best and freshest ingredients.  One large loaf can cost you an excess 0f 14.00 or more depending where you buy it.  I found if you purchase the ingredients yourself,  you save a bundle, have more than one loaf, and have fun making it.  Panettone also makes the best toast and french toast you'll ever have.

Here's what you'll need:

3 tablespoons SAF yeast
1/3 cup luke warm water
1/4 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon good Vanilla
1teaspoon buttery extract
1 cup European dried fruit
3 large eggs beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
2 1/2- 3 cups sifted flour

In large bowl put yeast, salt, sugar, water,  and mix.  Add beaten eggs, vanilla, buttery extract, and lemon zest and mix well.
Add 1 cup of flour at a time  till you have a nice soft dough,  you can always add or use less flour where needed. If you are using a mixer you can add your dried fruit,  or put dough on floured board and knead in fruit.  Place in well greased bowl and let double in size, punch down , shape in a ball and put in well greased 2 qt baking dish, cover and let double.
Bake in a pre- heated 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  After 15 minutes if bread seems to brown too quickly, cover with foil.

Once you make this once, you'll find it's so easy to make.  It makes your kitchen smell like heaven!  Enjoy!                           


Friday, October 14, 2011

My trip to RI

 So, I' ve been home a week and I think I finally feel better after my trip.  It was sad going to Steve's  Boss's wake but nice to see some of his old friends.  I was able to visit some friends graves and of course my parents as well.

The highlight of the trip was spending time with my Sis,  she surprised me by renting a a little place by the ocean!  Every afternoon we stopped and got a Dunkin Donuts coffee and donut and sat at the ocean watching the seagulls and waves as the sun kept us all toasty warm.

I got to see some old haunts and all the beach's and bridges that my Sis insisted I revisit.  I forgot just how much I missed the salt air, sand, light house's and water birds.  And then let's not forget the food!!  The first night in RI we went to Georges Seafood Restaurant right on the ocean and ate fried clams!  as long as I live I will never get sick of eating those wonderful morsels of yummyness..lol  Such a small thing brought me so much pleasure.

Needless to say I had a ball catching up with my sister and tasting all the things New England has to offer that the South doesn't.  Luckily I was able to bring a few things home for Steve to enjoy.  Not having them as often makes it all the more special!

So when will I go back there? not so sure.  I was surprised and sad to see how much my sister changed as far as her health, and her just the way she acts now.  I am nearly eight years older than her,  yet she seems far older than me.  She is such a creature of habit and there were moments I felt as if I was with a grand parent not the once punk rocker who once thought nothing of shaving her long golden locks to nearly a crew cut!  Though all in all she was still the same funny sister who could always always make me laugh until I cried.

So my trip was successful and fun but,  I was so happy to be pulling down our driveway!  and seeing all Steve's hard work to make the yard look so nice for my home coming. I was so glad to be back on home ground even if it doesn't have all my favorite things I grew to love in RI.  Now I have new loves,  like our deer, chicken, quail, and not to mention the fact we have a lot of privacy being surrounded my trees, and the dogs!  I missed them way more than I though possible,  almost as much as I missed  Steve,  I was so happy to get home and kiss his face!

My sister Kim

 A very tired me!..lol

 You just can't beat the ocean!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leaving the husband in charge.

I have to admit I was a bit nervous leaving Steve behind to hold down the fort while I was away for a few days back in RI for a wake and to visit my Sis.  You know he is a Hobo and the fact Dixie just had 8 puppies,  well I wasn't sure what I would come home to.

Well I came home to a clean shaving husband and the house looking pretty darn good.  All the pets looked well taken care of and well fed. He really worked hard while I was gone and he  the yard was looking fantastic to boot!

I think he really enjoyed the time to himself and maybe missed me just a bit.

Our  Sweet Dixie and her babies,  you can see she chewed a couple of pillows while in labor!