Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morning Coffee

 As I sat out on our deck with my husband, daughter, and granddaughter I am trying to take my first sacred sip of our morning coffee.  I sat there desperately trying to listen to the conversations that was taking place but, with Yankee begging for a stick, a twig, piece of paper,  anything you could throw and Dixie trying to take it away from him, and Belle doing " tippey toes " as we like to called it in the water bowl making a bloody mess it's hard !  if you haven't figured it out by now Yankee, Dixie, and Belle are our Golden Retrievers...aka  our kids.

Now if you know my hubby his conversations are almost as important as his first sip of  morning coffee,  as our eyes meet  I can see he knows I am aware he feels like he is struggling for air space and I can see his frustration on his face. Now the granddaughter is crying because one of the dogs knocked her down or licked her, the daughter is trying to talk to me right along as Steve is still talking and I realize I now have no clue what either have said and my coffee is now cold.

So what do I do?  the husband loves the dogs, I love the dogs, but, I think I love our conversations a bit more.  You see when we met all those years ago we would sit on my couch and listen to music and talk and talk for hours,  sometimes till it was almost time to go to work. We always said we couldn't wait till the day we didn't have to work and could just sip coffee and talk  Conversations came easy to us, we both loved a lot of the same things yet we had our different interest also.  I count myself fortunate that after twenty six years we still can talk for hours on end,  and even more important we both still want to.

Miss Dixie & Mr Yankee

And then there was three ~~

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