Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Starting a new chapter in my life~

Well I haven't blogged for a long time and now that I have extra time on my hands I am excited to get started. I am retired now due to a long illness that I managed to survive thanks to all my doctors, awesome nurse's, and my best friend who is also my husband. I named my blog " Pots, Pottys, and Pistols " because I have dealt with it all, raising kids, my love for cooking, shooting with my husband, and everything in between.  I have a soft motherly side but, I also have a playful side who always wants to have fun.. I don't think there is any question that someone may ask that would shock me. I have had so many experience's that I am sure there is little I haven't done or come across being an all around every day American woman. I hope I can inspire young moms, new moms, and even moms with grown up kids. I would love to give advice, tips, and hints on anything from cooking, parenting, time saving, and organizing, being frugal,  and keeping a long time relationship even in these too modern days.

One of my favorite quotes is " youth is wasted on the young "  or from my Mom  " learn from my mistakes "  and of course I bet most of us will agree we NEVER listened to any advice when we were young,  we always felt we were invincible and knew just about everything there was to know.  Unfortunately for me both my parents have passed away over the last several years but  I was one of the lucky ones who had the chance to tell my Mom,  you know what Mom?  nearly everything you ever tried to teach me was true.  She was in the hospital then and I knew she would die any day so we sat there talking and talking and when I told her that,  she just laughed when I said I was sorry for not listening more.  My Mom said that's OK honey,  I never listened either. Boy do I wish I knew then what I know now,  from everything to parenting, fiances, education,  the list is never ending.

I named this post a new chapter in my life because that's what I am doing,  starting my final chapter in my life,  you know,  some call it the twilight years, retirement, etc.  Fortunately for me and my husband Steve, we're middle age so that's a plus! We aren't so old we can't enjoy anything. So for that I am grateful.

I plan on writing often, posting recipes, photography shots, a little bit of everything,  even my long but successful weight loss journey.  Nearly anything can be done if you put your mind to it.  Lori ~

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