Friday, July 8, 2011


With Independence day having come and gone and Labor Day just around the corner I think of all the men and women of present and past and all they sacrificed for our freedom.   It saddens me to watch our Country and everything our fore fathers bled and died for is just crumbling right before our very eyes.  Even with the changing times as so many of our present politicians like to use as an excuse for trying to work around or change our Constitution, or change the meaning of the amendments to fit their needs at the moment.

Being on face book and twitter I have many many friends from around the world and  I have to say I don't think most of us have a clue how wonderful or the meaning of freedom really is.

Our younger generation takes much for granted or they  are just plain ignorant to whats going on around us and whats going on in the world and even sadder just plain don't care.
I like to think I am an independent American woman who can't begin to imagine having a government telling me what to do or threaten me with jail if I don't it,  or who to worship, or even take care of me! 
I want the old America back,  it was wonderful.   We weren't afraid of hard work,  didn't expect entitlements, we took care of our own and fought to the death to keep it that way.  It seems in just a blink of a second we have changed so much that  the old America is hardly recognizable anymore.   We need to stop making new laws go back 100 years or so and follow those.  Make people be held responsible for their actions and be self sufficient,  It's simple to think if we applied those past laws, reason, common sense,  we wouldn't be in debt up to our eyeballs  and men and women wouldn't join the armed forces just for what they can get out of it from the government but because they believe what they are fighting for.   I know not all of our men and women feel that way and I appreciate each and everyone of them but,  we as Americans should try and remind these people they work for us.

As I leave you  it's sad that we actually had get a law passed a few years back that our soldiers  can salute when a flag is being raised or lowered,  in a parade,  or any where they may be in the presence of our great flag,  and they can do that whether they are in uniform or not !  and we the people can put our hand over are hearts to honor our America if we so please.

Lets take a moment to ourselves and remember all these men, women, and families that have gave and give so much ~

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