Monday, August 29, 2011


One of the reasons I've been gone was I've dipped back into the pool of canning!  I blogged earlier that I was going to try and can again if I could do it not going to the poor house.  As I  wrote a few post back Mandy found a farmer with pretty good prices so canning became possible.  I forgot so much that it took a bit of time to get familiar with the whole thing again as well as the pressure cooker which terrified me!  but once I started seeing all those shiny jars filled with my finished product I was hooked all over again like when I was young.

Canning has come a long long way over the years.  There is almost nothing you can't put in a jar safely. I have so enjoyed finding and trying new recipes.  Last week I made maple infused onion jam with sherry and thyme, sounded gross at first but I made it and loved it!  This winter when it's freezing out and we have a fire going how nice it will be to pop open some blueberry jam or tomatoes sauce.  To pop open a jar and have the smells and taste of the spring and summer will be so nice, especially if I make some home made bread or scones..

Here is just a peek what I have done so far.  I am sure there are many women who can put me to shame as far as quanity   I am not done yet.  I still have some to do and wait for pear and apple season..

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