Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You can.. can!

Last year I wanted to can some veggies and make some jam.  Steve went right out and bought me some Ball canning jars and I few days later my stove died,  and also it was a bit too late in the season to get much in the way of produce. I was so disappointed but determined the following year I would can my ass off!  Well it's next year  and a few months ago I scored some strawberries and black berries and made a dozen jars of jam.  I was so proud of myself until I realized how much money my daughter and I spent on making those jams.

My biggest reason for wanting to can is I used to do it when I was a young mother and I enjoyed it, plus I also want to have the freshest ingredients possible for me and my family to enjoy.  I remember how nice it was in the middle of the winter and you would open up a jar of tomato's or a jam and the smell was incredible!  You felt like you stepped back into summer when everything was there for the taking.

So I made my jams that day and thought this is just too expensive and I need to wait till I can find a deal on fresh fruits and vegetables as they come into season.  It's now August and all I have made since is 6 pints of white peaches.  " I got them at a good price ".  My daughter and myself keep looking for some good deals but even the farmers who sell on the street are just way too expensive!  you need a good 6-7 pears to make one quart and more than that for a quart of tomatoes.  Steve loves pickles and I promised I make him some,  well you need 36 cucumbers for to make about six pints.  If you go to your local store or farmer on the street corner it's going to cost you!  never mind if you have to invest in jars and supplies.

Finally my daughter came home and said she found a cute farmers market and I said I have one too but it's still too much money.  She said lets check it out anyways,  so reluctantly I did yesterday and I was happy as a clam!  It's run by an elderly couple and the produce is amazing and reasonable!  I was so excited that I bought a big basket of tomatoes and I plan on canning them tomorrow and if I can score some Kirby cucumbers over the weekend I will make Steve his pickles.

I am finally all charged up again about canning! I dragged out my cookbooks and started scoping out ideas!  We live on a small farm where our chickens give us fresh eggs so I am a happy camper!

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