Another week of promise of warm weather but, it's still pretty nippy out. At least the sun is shinning today but still to cold for me to go out and do anything. Steve went out for a short while and worked but there too much for just one guy to do my himself. Though he's done a lot of work outside since we moved here and when we first got here the land was never touched, it was all woods. They had to clear a path just to build the house.
Holly is suppose to come and help with the gardens in the back of the house, bird feeders, and deck. I'm just waiting for spring and I want to be ready for it! I planted kind of late last year so I don't want to make that mistake again. I'm needing a new grill this year, I hope to have one by Mother's day.
I also have the kidney doctor tomorrow, I hope I won't have to go back for awhile. My arm is so sore from all the blood work this month and I only have two spots on just the one arm where they can draw from. I'm finally getting a better idea of what I can and can not eat so hopefully some weight will come off. They did say it might take a bit because of the sudden diet change and salt reduction. All I can do is keep trying.
I found out fishing season starts Saturday, I hope we go often this year. I would love to catch fresh fish regularly . I love it, Steve loves it and the pups! Got to save some money for the roof, Steve's 60th birthday and maybe a small vacation at the end of the hot summer!
Holly is suppose to come and help with the gardens in the back of the house, bird feeders, and deck. I'm just waiting for spring and I want to be ready for it! I planted kind of late last year so I don't want to make that mistake again. I'm needing a new grill this year, I hope to have one by Mother's day.
I also have the kidney doctor tomorrow, I hope I won't have to go back for awhile. My arm is so sore from all the blood work this month and I only have two spots on just the one arm where they can draw from. I'm finally getting a better idea of what I can and can not eat so hopefully some weight will come off. They did say it might take a bit because of the sudden diet change and salt reduction. All I can do is keep trying.
I found out fishing season starts Saturday, I hope we go often this year. I would love to catch fresh fish regularly . I love it, Steve loves it and the pups! Got to save some money for the roof, Steve's 60th birthday and maybe a small vacation at the end of the hot summer!