Yesterday was a nice day out. I almost thought it wasn't going to happen, Steve forgot we were suppose to go to breakfast, an antique store, and to get our fishing license. We didn't go to breakfast and that was fine because we had coffee and chatted for awhile. We did go pretty far to only find out that the place closed down. That stunk because I loved nearly everything in that place. Steve drove awhile longer and found a small place where I scored some antique ball jars! Love them so much!
We went to Wal-Mart and got our fishing and hunting license's, some nice chairs and few other things. I hope we really go fishing this year a lot. Last year I bought a nice thermos for coffee and a nice cooler bag. I love picnic's, I'm not sure why, I just do.
It' still so cold in this house, it makes it hard to cook or clean when your body is shivering and your hands feel frozen. I need to get things done because I am running errands with Holly and Alicia Saturday. We are going to Sam's Club and Aldi's. I've been trying to stock up when I can so this summer I can save some money. Everything is dam expensive and I'll be dammed if we go without anything, we did enough of that the first twenty years because the kids got every extra dime we had. Not that any of them appreciated it. Sound bitter? Dam straight!
We went to Wal-Mart and got our fishing and hunting license's, some nice chairs and few other things. I hope we really go fishing this year a lot. Last year I bought a nice thermos for coffee and a nice cooler bag. I love picnic's, I'm not sure why, I just do.
It' still so cold in this house, it makes it hard to cook or clean when your body is shivering and your hands feel frozen. I need to get things done because I am running errands with Holly and Alicia Saturday. We are going to Sam's Club and Aldi's. I've been trying to stock up when I can so this summer I can save some money. Everything is dam expensive and I'll be dammed if we go without anything, we did enough of that the first twenty years because the kids got every extra dime we had. Not that any of them appreciated it. Sound bitter? Dam straight!
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