Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day gift.

  So I said I would post what I got the husband for fathers day .  We have a pretty nice piece of land here in Tn and Steve is usually working on it .  So I mentioned in an earlier post I am retired due to having my leg amputated  and for other health reasons I can't always walk a great distance.  Well I am doing much better and would like to go hang with Steve once in awhile so I decieded to make him a bench.  We love bird and deer watching so we both said we like to have a few different benches around our land so we always have a place to sit. Not to mention unlike R.I. we have venomous snakes here.  So I thought I start our bench collection so to speak so I made him one along with the help of our two oldest daughters.

Ok I never said I was a carpenter but, I think it's a good start.  He seemed to like it  and I think it will look good way in the front of the house which is one of his favorite spots.

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