Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One of my hobbies..

I love unsolved crimes,  I know to some that may sound grim.  It all started when I was around  14- 16 years old and my Mom and Dad was just sitting down to watch a movie and I heard the opening music,  it was old music to my ears when all of a sudden I heard the squeak of an opening door and someone said... please come in,  someone has killed father!  I rushed in the living room and asked what the heck are you watching?  and they said " Lizzie Borden "  you know the rhyme..Lizzie Borden took a axe and gave her father forty whacks and when she saw what she had done she gave her mother forty one.  Umm I watched the movie and when my Mom told me it was a real story and the crime happened right in the next state,  well I was hooked!  I have been to Lizzie's houses and the museum that has some of her things and a old woman who shared milk and cookies with Miss Lizzie as she called her and yes I even went to her grave and took pics!  if I could have spent the night there in her room I would have.  So that's where it all began and how I got so interested in crimes and mysteries. I've dragged my husband into it also. We watch all the unsolved mysteries, crimes shows, court TV,  and of course Nancy Grace and all of her pose as I call it.

The reason I am talking about this today is because we've been wrapped up in the Caylee Anthony case everyday.  Over the years with all the technology and forensics it just so interesting.  Our hearts go out to all the missing kids and their families. Its so hard to ingest that a Mom could possibly be involved or the actual perpetrator in this crime.  How could any good come from this horrific deed? How this crime affects so many people. Do any offenders ever stop and think what they have done?  It just doesn't stop at that child losing his or her life. They robbed them and the ones who loved them of any future,  We will never know if this child could have grown up to be a doctor who would cure all cancers or have that infectious voice say like Barbra Streisand's or Elvis with his shaking hips who will be remembered and enjoyed for years to come,  a President who could have changed history. We will never understand why no one was there to protect them.

It all brings me to think that we should never be so busy that we can't take  an extra  bit of energy, a few seconds with our hugs, kiss, and say I love you a little more often.  Sometimes when your with someone a long time they automatically assume you know how they feel but, no matter how old you are or secure in your relationship it is always nice to feel those hugs and hear those words.  So NEVER take for granted that you'll see that person forever because whether your as young as little Caylee or a Great grand parent the last time may very well be the last time you see them alive. 

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