Saturday, June 18, 2011

Patty Melt Makeover

I know I said I'll do a make over recipe every Monday and I will this coming week now that I'm getting my blog running a little more smoothly..
Now back when Lisa and myself first started our journey to get healthier we thought we have some fun by giving one another a recipe we wanted to be made over.  Now let me tell you about Lisa,  she is a southern girl through and through,  she use to eat nearly everything fried in bacon fat !!  and dam she was proud of her bacon grease she collected in a jar and displayed on her kitchen counter.  Well Lisa had a few heart attacks and double bypass surgery so that had to stop.

So one of her request a few months into our diet which was my turn to makeover something for her  was a good old fashion patty melt.  I wasn't sure I could pull that off without it tasting like cardboard.  For those of you who don't know what a patty melt is,  here it is.
   Looks simple enough but, this is from a well know restaurant chain and the sandwich alone will cost you a whopping 1,013 calories and 87 grams of fat !! yummy but ouch!!

Now for mine you will need:
2 slices healthy life bread
1- 4oz buffalo burger " don't knock it! it's delicious with only 143 calories and almost NO fat "
2 slices of low fat cheddar cheese or any flavor you prefer
1/2 onion sliced and steamed in the microwave till soft " about 2 min " saves lots of fat!
1/2 tablespoon of real butter
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard & 1tablespoon of Hellman's low fat mayonnaise " no need for fat free we want it to taste good " mix together

steam your onions and saute them in a non stick pan with the butter and cook on low till all caramelized
cook your burger the the way you enjoy it.  rare, med, etc
while your burger is cooking, spray another pan with Pam , place your bread with with a slice of cheese on each one till golden brown
then you spread your bread with the mayo mixture add your burger and onions and enjoy!

 This is still nice and gooey just like Lisa likes it! and it will only cost you about 423 calories and not much fat at all!  now to me that's still should be for one of your treat days but at least it's guilt free.  Enjoy!

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