Thursday, July 11, 2013

Been a long time!

Boy it's been a long time since I've written.  Lots and lots of changes.  My daughter and grand daughter moved out last year after two long years here and finally my husband and myself are alone.  Not sure if that's a good thing sometimes.  We only have the one computer now so I don't get on nearly as often as I like.

So what have I been up to,  I've been back to RI to see some friends, my Sis, my son, and daughter in law last month.  It was great to see everyone but I doubt I'll go back. I've been back three times in four years and it's a very long trip. Nearly 2,000 miles up and back.

This year Steve built me three gardens to get me started to see how I do,  it's a little hard to get to for me but I love it!  Its been awhile since I've had one.  I've started canning again and started to crochet a blanket. I found Pinterest and I am addicted!  such a fun place to get ideas and to be inspired.  The talent some people have is plain amazing! I've read a couple of great books and made a few fantastic new recipes.

Two years ago I lost a lot of weight! all by myself with no help and no one willing to do it with me.  I t was tough!  nearly 70 lbs and I felt so much better and I kept it all off over a year.  But over the past year I slowly started gaining back, not all of it but almost 30 lbs and I have to say it shows and I feel the difference and hate it. I get very overwhelmed here at home sometimes.   We have three large golden retrievers and they make a bloody mess with sticks, fur, and everything else they feel the need to bring in. Not to mention all the wonderful mud and paw prints all over the floors.  It's hard to keep up with let alone running a house, paying bills, and cooking mostly from scratch.  It leaves little time for me to sit down and do things I would like.  When you get older and have alot of aches pains things take awhile longer.  But, once again I decided to get back on the healthier ban  Summer is here and I have great access to fresh fruits and veggies from my garden and local farmers!  I need to do it, I feel tired and look like crap! So today is my first day back and I am sitting here sipping on my ginger/ lemon water and it's yummy!

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