Monday, July 29, 2013

welcome surprises

Last Monday my grandson came in my room to tell me a bird was flying around the kitchen,  for all you knew it could have been a fly, bettle, or something else.  I said what kind of bird? maybe a hummingbird he said.  So I got up and there it was flying all over the kitchen with the three dogs and cat barking at it.

It was small and just couldn't figure out how to get back out,  he kept flying to the lights pecking at the specks so I shut the lights off and put the dogs and cat outside.  Then I put a small plate with hummingbird food out on the counter hoping that would attract him and I could catch him.  Well that wasn't working so well and I was hot and tired but it was going to be dark soon so had to do something.  I took my broom and when he stopped to rest I gently tried to coax him out but  he fell right to my counter exhausted!  I was able to grab him and I had my grandson bring out the food.  The poor little thing was so tired he just sat in my hand,  I checked him out and he seemed unhurt. I took my finger tip and dipped it in the food and dropped a few drops of the food and he welcomed it happily.  I did that a few times and he perked up, looked around and flew off!  I love all birds but hummers are one of my favorites and I never got so close to any.  What a treat it was to hold such a fragile little creature and share it with my grandson.

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