Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Blues

 Had such a productive weekend and only for Steve and Myself to get into a small squabble very early this morning. Yesterday I walked in on something I wasn't thrilled about but I didn't say a word or make a fuss over it. I made a nice dinner and desert and Steve and the pups were happy about that.

When something bothers me I get very quiet,  I try to give myself some time to calm down because I hate to have an argument despite what Steve may think. In the older days I would always react and yell first and then be sorry for not thinking things out.  But, when he started to bust my chops this morning,  I tried saying I was being quiet to avoid just this from happening.  Well the words were short and at least neither of us said any real damming things so I was grateful for that.  But now I know him so well that it just plain sucks sometimes!  I know we won't be doing laundry today or going to the store for a few important things that I need because he'll just keep to himself and act like the injured party all day long.  I hate this I don't want to spend my last years like this all the time.  It's just I can't always not say anything.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, meanwhile I'll get things done and wash a few things out by hand. I'm on day three of cutting back and I have to admit the first two days were hard as hell!  My goal today is not have any snacks tonight and drink drink drink!

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