Sunday, September 4, 2011

I never tire....

 I was just getting ready to do my housework when Steve cane in to tell me we had baby fawn eating in our front yard with the Mama on the side lines watching.  It's been two years here and I never ever get tired or bored looking out my window and see such a sight!

I think to myself...maybe this was what it was all for,  because now I have all this beauty and nature surrounding us on a daily basis.  I never take it for granted.  The birds, deer, bunnies, lizards, and even snakes  live here on our land.  They nibble at the seed we put out and drink from our creek when it isn't dry.  If I never left here I could be content as long as I have Steve to enjoy it with.

She is young mom,  I was able to go outside just close enough to grab a couple of pictures.  They aren't the best because I didn't want to scare them.

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