Monday, September 5, 2011

Rain Rain Rain

 I woke up this morning and it was so dark I thought it was the middle of the night but it was 6 am and pouring out!  We haven't got rain in months!  My first thought was the husband is going to be so happy that it's raining because everything around us is dying despite Steve's efforts.

The second thing to mind was this is the perfect kind of morning to just snuggle and make love all day long!  Something about the suttle darkness and the sound of the rain just makes it the perfect setting for a romantic morning.  I don't think your ever too old to love the romance of it all.

That vision popped out of my mind when I heard Steve sit up and I sat next to him and held his hand a few minutes and said " good morning " then he laid back down and started to  The three dogs started jumping on me to let them out and to be fed. I let them out one by one and just stared out the window a few minutes.  Of course they came in soaking wet and full of demands.  And so my day begins....

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