Thursday, January 9, 2014


Good Morning , NOT!  All I can say is...thank god for my sister Kim, if I didn't have her to talk to I don't know what I do to keep my sanity.

I have three grown children and they have all shocked and disappointed me to the limits! I honestly don't understand why they are the way they are.

At least, I always thought I could count on my oldest daughter Holly,  she can be sweet and giving under the right circumstances.  Steve and myself have always been there for here no matter what,  despite how much she has hurt us over the last 28 years with all her lies and craziness! We figured she is only hurting herself with life of crime, lies after lies, and how she has hurt all three of her children. But, as always she does something that doesn't surprise me once again, lie.  She lies for no reason at all!  She doesn't know anything else. It saddens me that I now know she can't be trusted what's so ever.

So now what do I do?  I guess for my own sanity I'll have to keep her at arms length and see her only occasionally so I can still my grandson and great grandbabies. How sad is that?  Sad but needed.

I can't even talk to Steve about it anymore because it's just more disappointment and he's already had enough of that from his own daughters. We have nothing but takers in our lives, NO givers what so ever.

I sure am tired, emotionally drained, I stare out the window and cry and try to pull myself together before I go hang with my husband.  I want our time together to have no bullshit other than every day things that may come up.  I adore him~~

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