Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 I'm sitting here waiting for the electrician to come,  we've had two come already,  one just didn't seem to care that half the house isn't working and that we have extension cords everywhere!  and the other younger man he was pretty sure what the problem was but said we need a contractor for that kind of problem.  That sounds like that could be a lot of money,  but that's was only half the problem,  finding someone to come here was a chore in it's self.  So I am waiting here and he is already two hours late.  You don't want to start anything because when he comes you don't want to stop what your doing or you don't want to get all messy.  I just want us to get a break,  let it be fixable without costing a fortune.

Tomorrow is my doctors appointment,  don't think I'll get much in the way of answers,  meaning I'll have to wait till I go to the kidney doctor and that's three more weeks.  I just want to know exactly where I stand,  what stage am I?  This way I can make plans and get my house in order if need to be. I am feeling better that's for sure but who knows.

Steve has been helping me way more that he ever has in all these years together and I am grateful for any help.  I hate to complain about hurting or being tired but at least we know why I am so tired all the time.  Yesterday was a good day,  I felt pretty good and rested and I always take advantage of those days and try to get as much done as I can. I really want to get a lot of weight off before the spring so I can get outside more often and enjoy it.

One of my resolutions for this year was to try and get us to do more things together.  All we do is errands for the most part.  We've never been to the movies or dinner,  no fishing or picnic's.  We do go shooting but,  not as often as I would like.  I want to make some nice memories before it's too late.

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