Sunday, January 12, 2014

No rain today!

 Yahoo,  I can actually see the sunshine today!  It's been raining  pretty heavy here for a few days and before that bitter cold!

Yesterday I started organizing my study and it sure was a mess but I got a lot done!  Steve helped me clean yesterday so that was a nice break.  Today I will attempt to do more and maybe take the dogs out for awhile,  they behave pretty well for me now and don't take off into the woods anymore.

I've been on both kidney sites for recipes and they are very confusing!  I was told one thing by the nutritionist and yet every thing I read is nearly the opposite.  I guess I'll have to wait till I see my new kidney Dr. and get a better understanding from him,  in the meanwhile I'll try my best on what I eat.

I started crocheting again and I forgot how long it takes to do a  But,  I do enjoy it.
Today I am making homemade pizza for lunch,  it should be interesting using no salt or meat. So we'll see how that goes.  At least Steve is a sweetheart about anything I cook, I could  count how many times he didn't like something I made on one hand in twenty eight years.

My Sis sent me a couple of cards yesterday in the mail and that was sweet.  And my grand daughter Bethany called me to see how I was doing.  Well I better get crackalackin!

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