Thursday, January 23, 2014

Just another day

  So got up at the crack of dawn to head off to the eye surgeon,  only to be disappointed that I couldn't have it done because there was too much bleeding.   So I have to wait three weeks to go back and see what happens,  February is going to be a busy month!

It's freezing out again today even though we are in the warmer part of TN,  that means the dogs will be keeping me company  today,  Steve has his Drs appointment this afternoon and he hates going!  I'll take that time to do some cooking and try a couple of new kidney friendly recipes.  I have so many limitations it makes things hard on this new diet,  hopefully when I go to the new doctor he'll shed some light and I can move on from there.

As much as I hate the heat I sure would welcome some warm weather to sit outside for awhile.  I love sitting out on the back deck.  Steve mentioned he may enlarge the back deck and I would love it!  It's hard for me to fill the feeders because of the small hill and my foot doesn't bend.  I usually rely on my grandson to help me fill the feeders.  I love the birds and we get lots!  I love the hummers and bluebirds  especially.

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