Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Disappointing News

Well it's snowing here in TN...lol   My daughter came over this morning with my Grand Daughter and Great Grandsons today to tell us they are moving to Georgia Saturday and that she is pregnant again!  I'm sad that she is leaving but at least she'll only be two hours away than if she had moved to Texas near her Dad.

I'm hoping that her and her boyfriend will have better luck at finding work or getting some education.  His parents are there and they sound like good hard working people who will put them in the right direction.  I also think with her not being so close to her mother she will get more independent.  I think my daughter holds her back some.

I'm having them over Friday night for a good bye supper,  of course Alicia requested linguica and pepper grinders,   and I'll have to make something for desert.  I will miss her so much.  I don't see her as often as I'd like but it was nice to know she was near by.  The little ones are getting big and fun to be around,   they even play with the dogs and cat now.

Time is just flying bye it seems,  before you know it the warm weather will be here and we will be wishing it was cooler out.

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